Vocal Activation
Singing is medicine for the body, spirit and mind. You can be your own sound healer by humming, chanting and singing to yourself. Singing is a cathartic way to express and release emotions somatically. It's a human given right that everyone has and can use for their own healing and to gift healing upon others. You don't have to limit yourself when it comes to singing, you already have everything available in you to sing. By unblocking mental and physical limitations with my guidance, you will be thrilled to see your full potential. This is your chance to discover your true voice and to sing with confidence and ease. Let me help you on your journey, singing is for everyone!
“Vocal music is considered to be the highest, for it is natural; the effect produced by an instrument which is merely a machine cannot be compared with that of the human voice. However perfect strings may be, they cannot make the same impression on the listener as the voice which comes direct from the soul as breath, and has been brought to the surface through the medium of the mind and the vocal organs of the body.”
― Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Mysticism of Music, Sound and Word
Singing Lessons
Singing lessons are available in person and online. I am offering classes and packages for you to bring your singing to your next level and reveal the authentic beauty that is uniquely your voice. ​
Find your true authentic & unique voice
Feel confidence, freedom & ease in your body
Understand singing mechanics and how to use your voice properly
Learn singing techniques to open the voice
Sing songs you thought were difficult
Improvisation & intuitive singing
Singing for sound healing
Express, emote & share your own story
Connect to your voice on a deeper level
Transcend & transform when singing